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                                                           Ahh, y'all are brave souls!  Herein lies the epic tale of Jason "Social               

                                                           Studies Sensei" Grobe!  It all started many moons ago in a place far from

                                                           here.  (Actually it wasn't all THAT long ago; I was born in the Year of the Tiger

                                                           after all!)  The place: the plains of south-eastern Wyoming and later       

                                                           Wyoming's bit of the Rocky Mountains.  Yes, I'm a transplanted Wyomingite.

                                                           (Bet you've never met anyone who could say THAT!)  I grew up in a town by                                                                                             the name of Ten Sleep.  Actually, we lived a few miles out at the entrance to

                                                           the canyon.






Once I graduated from elementary, middle and high school at Ten Sleep I went

to the University of Wyoming in Laramie.  (Which just happens to be the largest

city in the world at that elevation.  7,165 feet above sea level.  Visiting universities'

sports teams were REALLY sucking wind at that altitude!)  While I was there I got

a bachelors degree in Political Science/International Studies.  Since I wanted to

continue to learn Japanese, I then joined the JET Program and was hired to teach

English in a town called Akabori (about 2 hours north of Tokyo by train).  I lived in

Japan for three years before returning to Laramie to get a bachelors degree in

Secondary Social Studies Education.







                                                                    After graduating again in 2001, I got a job offer to teach social                                                                                                                      studies and writing/literature at Esperero Canyon Middle School.  I

                                                                    have taught both 6th and 7th grade at ECMS and I have taught

                                                                    American and Ancient History.  While teaching at ECMS I pursued,

                                                                    and achieved, National Board Certification.  (That is why there is

                                                                    "NBCT" after my name!  The process was extremely rigorous, and

                                                                    very edifying; ask me about it sometime, I'd be happy to share!)  I

                                                                    have also coached Future Problem Solvers at the school with three

                                                                    of the teams going on to the international competition.  I am also the

                                                                    co-adviser for ECMS' National Junior Honor Society chapter.





While I was in Japan I got married to my wife Akiko.  After I graduated

with my degree in Secondary Social Studies Education we decided to

move to Tucson for my wife's business.  (She buys and sells rocks and

minerals on the internet, so Tucson's gem and mineral shows were a

huge draw for us!)  After we were here for a while, my son William Hiroaki

was born.  A few years after that, my daughter Alicia Saki was born.  So,

now I have a high school aged son and, as of 2018, a middle school-aged





Well, there is much more I could bore you with, but I imagine you have many other things you should be doing right now.  (Watching YouTube, tweeting something, texting a friend, checking out Facebook or something.  How about picking up a book?!)  Thank you for reading all the way to the end!

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